Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Communication plan Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Communication plan - Essay Example that communication with parents is essential if a student is to succeed and, as a new teacher, I feel that I need the suggestions and support of parents and, thus, need a good communications method with students’ parents. Firstly, I plan to keep an email list that shall be updated with email addresses of my students’ parents. The parents will be emailed weekly concerning the covered lessons, as well as those to be covered, work that their children may be missing that is required for grading, upcoming tests, and assignments as I feel that this is essential in the education system. I also feel that this will afford the parents an opportunity to give feedback and students with regards to various issues through email. Studies have reported that students, parents, and teachers are in support of this communication plan (Petrina 17). I also plan to create a class website that parents and students can visit, as well as learn more concerning our class and make suggestions and responses. A class website is useful when communicating with the school community since the community will be able to learn about the class and understand how my students are going about their education. The website will be connected to the school website, which will, however, be dependent on the manner that the school website manages its website. Since there could be parents that are not comfortable with website connections and using email, important events and issues should be explained through the use paper communication. The school could also help by giving training sessions to the parents in order to familiarize them recent technology within the community and the school (Cennamo 238). Personally, as a new teacher, communication with other administrators and teachers will be beneficial in seeking to help in class management and solving upcoming problems. Being part of the school’s network could aid in peering with the other teachers in reflection and collaboration, in practice development,

Monday, October 28, 2019

Rubicam’s Business College Essay Example for Free

Rubicam’s Business College Essay LAURA: At home†¦ my prized possession was my glass menagerie. [she smiles faintly at the memory] My favourite was the unicorn. However†¦ it broke. I brought the horn here with me. The other part†¦ is with a man. BLANCHE: [she raises her hands in exasperation] Hah! Men! Terrible, hulking brutes most of them are. Especially those Polacks. What was it Wilde said? â€Å"Women are a decorative sex! † If I am to have any chance of happiness I must be innocent, attractive and, most of all, youthful! [Slight polka music can be heard in the distance. ] LAURA: Funny, that sounds like what my mother used to say†¦ Girls are a pretty trap! Screen Image – Amanda Wingfield BLANCHE: [she has a distant look in her eyes as she contemplates the various men that have become part of her past] Yes dear, they are. And don’t you forget it when you’ve still got time. This man who has the unicorn – is he your husband? Boyfriend? LAURA: [getting progressively quieter] In high school Jim was the only one that ever spoke to me. Then he turned up at the house and he†¦ he†¦ kissed me. Of course, he never really liked a cripple like me. He was engaged†¦ [fighting back tears. ] Screen legend – the day at the amusement park BLANCHE: Typical! I too have had my fair share of shocking dates. In New Orleans I met a gentleman named Mitch. [she begins to talk quickly, as if she were addressing herself] I accompanied him to the amusement park on Lake Pontchartrain, a rather dismal place more suited to easily-amused children. However, this was my first date with a gentleman since†¦ since†¦ forever! I could absolutely not afford to mess this one up. [giggly pause] I was as giddy as a schoolgirl courting behind the bicycle shack – not that I would have engaged in such activity, absolutely not – although I fear dear Mitch saw through my facade. I did try. I tried so very hard. I even pretended I was pleased with that ghastly plaster statuette of Mae West. The erogenous nature of her films draws up memories of a past I wish to forget! [the polka music increases in volume and tempo. ] LAURA: [not following] Oh, I see†¦ BLANCHE: Every time I look at a man all I can think of is my dear Allen! I ended up telling Mitch about my past, my marriage, when I was just a girl. It was as if Mitch crashed through the invisible barrier I strived for so long to erect. It just tumbled out! They were words I had desired to tell someone for so long. They had been entombed inside of me for so long it was as if they had gone stale, distasteful even! Even as he embraced me†¦ all I could envisage†¦ was Allan’s desperate touch! [she dramatically outstretches her arms towards an invisible point] Oh Allan, forgive me! [In her fervour BLANCHE knocks over the ketchup bottle, its crimson innards spilling onto her lap. She frantically dabs at it with a serviette, but to no avail. Her white dress has been permanently tarnished, the bloody hue of the condiment combining with the once wholesome dress. ] BLANCHE: [returning to reality with a jolt] Would you look at that mess! What will ever become of us? LAURA: [visibly shaken, but speaking with determination] We can’t let little things like this ruin our lives†¦ When I get discharged I’ll go back to Rubicam’s Business College. Yes, I will! BLANCHE: [she clutches LAURA by the shoulders] You can say that, you’re still young! What hope is there for an old maid like me? [The polka music and The Glass Menagerie combine austerely in the minds of the patients. An unholy union, two entities that never should have met. ] LAURA: [jumping up from her chair, repulsed at being touched] I-I think I’m done here! [in her haste to vacate the table she knocks her plate to the floor, where it duly shatters into countless pieces that dance across the floor. The light reflects off the porcelain pieces, framing LAURA in an impromptu spotlight. The breaking noise is audible over the tumultuous din of the room. Many diners turn to look at the spectacle. ] LAURA: [in a tone of utter despair, covering her face with her hands] No†¦ Stop staring†¦! I’m going to be sick! [Exit LAURA, who runs away from the scene. The cafeteria soon returns to its natural state, having forgotten that Laura Wingfield ever existed. ] BLANCHE: Shakespeare got it right! ‘Alas, I am a woman friendless, hopeless! ’ There is truly no hope for some people in this world! [the sound of the door slamming behind Laura as she flees is audible as the light gradually fades out. ]

Saturday, October 26, 2019

Jacksons Disagreement :: essays research papers

Materialism is the belief that all things can be explained in physical terms or by science. Frank Jackson argues against this belief. Jackson’s philosophy is that not only are materialism false, but he also claims that consciousness is a subjective experience that can not be defined by any physical term or by science. The nonphysical experience known as qualia is Jackson’s explanation of consciousness. Qualia is the nonphysical feeling that can not be explained in physical terms or by science. Humans can not understand the feeling of qualia without experiencing it themselves. Materialism suggests that everything that occurs have some type of scientific relationship or physical term. Jackson goes through his argument looking for proof until he gets one idea. Jackson performs an experiment that demonstrates that consciousness is a qualia feeling and that one can not understand or learn the feeling with out experiencing it. The subject he uses is Mary. Mary is an extremely bright scientist and since she could remember she was placed in a room with nothing but black and white. With limiting her sight to only this black and white gray-scale, she is unaware of what true color looks like. All her life she is educated through newspapers, television and teachers giving lectures. Near the end of the experiment she has mastered every aspect of the physical terms and science explaining the process of viewing color. One example was that she knew that an apple was red, but she cannot grasp the concept if she has never seen it. The final part of the experiment is to pre sent to her real color. They use a red apple to demonstrate this. The hypothesis for the experiment follows the laws of materialism. They hypothesized that Mary would not have a shocking reaction to the apple. They believed that she would know that the apple carried those characteristics. In the conclusion of the experiment they find out that their hypothesis was wrong and that Mary was shocked to find out what red really looked like. For the first time in her life she noticed that there was more to the red apple than the physical description. She felt qualia, the feeling of actually seeing the color. This proves that materialism cannot fully explain the world.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Romance in Shakespeares Comedy of Errors Essay -- Shakespeare Comedy

Comedy of Errors - Romance What is so interesting about Shakespeare's first play, The Comedy of Errors, are the elements it shares with his last plays. The romances of his final period (Pericles, Cymbeline, The Winter's Tale, The Tempest) all borrowed from the romantic tradition, particularly the Plautine romances. So here, as in the later plays, we have reunions of lost children and parents, husbands and wives; we have adventures and wanderings, and the danger of death (which in this play is not as real to us as it is in the romances). Yet, for all these similarities, the plot of The Comedy of Errors is as simple as the plots of the later plays are complex. It is as though Shakespeare's odyssey through the human psyche in tragedy and comedy brought him back to his beginnings with a sharper sense of yearning, poignancy, and the feeling of loss. But to dismiss this play as merely a simplistic romp through a complicated set of maneuvers is to miss the pure theatrical feast it offers on the stage - the wit and hu mor of a master wordsmith, the improbability of a plot that sweeps...

Wednesday, October 23, 2019


Chemistry Project on STUDY OF ADULTERANTS IN FOOD STUDY OF ADULTERANTS IN FOOD-STUFFS INVESTIGATORY PROJECT iCBSE. com CHEMISTRY PROJECT WORK Name: Agilan Chemistry Project on STUDY OF ADULTERANTS IN FOOD Seal 3 | P a g e Chemistry Project on STUDY OF ADULTERANTS IN FOOD I would like to express my sincere gratitude to my chemistry mentor Mrs. Shirley Zachariah, f or he r v i t a l s up por t , g u i da nc e a n d e nc our a g e me n t – wi t ho ut whi c h t hi s pr oj ec t woul d not ha ve c ome f or t h. I woul d a l s o l i ke t o express my gratitude to the lab assistant Mrs.Julie Sam for her support during t he maki ng of t hi s pr oj ect . iCBSE. com 4 | P a g e Chemistry Project on STUDY OF ADULTERANTS IN FOOD S. No. Cont ent s Page No. I. Obj ecti ve 6 II. Introduction 8 III. Theory 9 IV. Experiment 1 10 iCBSE. com V. Experiment 2 11 VI. Experiment 3 12 VII. Resul t 13 VIII. Conclusion 14 IX. Bi bl i og r aphy 15 5 | P a g e Chemistry Project on STUDY OF ADULTERANTS IN FOOD The Objective of this project is to study some of the common food adulterants present in different food stuffs. iCBSE. com 6 | P a g e Chemistry Project on STUDY OF ADULTERANTS IN FOOD CBSE. com 7 | P a g e Chemistry Project on STUDY OF ADULTERANTS IN FOOD Adulteration in food is normally present in its most crude form; pr ohi bi t e d s ubs t anc es ar e e i t her a dded or par t l y o r whol l y s ubs t i t ut ed. Nor ma l l y t he c ont ami na t i on/ a dul t er a t i o n i n f ood i s done ei t he r f or f i nanc i a l gai n or due to carel essness and l ack i n proper hygi eni c condi ti on of processi ng, storing, transportation and marketing. This ultimately results that the consumer is either cheated or often become victim of diseases.Such types of adulteration are quite common in developing countries or backward countries. It is equally important for the consumer to know the common adulterants and t hei r ef f ec t on heal t h. iCBSE. com 8 | P a g e Chemistry Project on STUDY OF ADULTERANTS IN FOOD The increasi ng number of food producers and the outstanding amount of import foodstuffs enables the producers to mislead and cheat consumers. To differentiate those who take advantage of legal rules from the ones who commit food adulteration is very difficult. The consciousness of consumers woul d be c r uc i al .I g nor a nc e an d unf ai r ma r ket be havi or may enda nger consumer health and misleading can lead to poisoning. So we need simple screening tests for their detection. iCBSE. com In the past few decades, adulteration of food has become one of the serious problems. Consumption of adulterated food causes serious diseases l i ke cancer, di arr hoea, ast hma, ul cers , etc. Maj ori ty of f ats , oi l s and butter are par af f i n wa x , c as t or oi l a nd hydr oc ar bons . Red c hi l l i po wde r i s mi x e d wi t h br i c k powder a nd pe pper i s mi x ed wi t h dr i e d pa paya s ee ds .Thes e a dul t er ant s c an be eas i l y i de nt i f i ed by s i mpl e c he mi c al t es t s . Several agencies have been set up by the Government of India to remove adulterants from food stuffs. AGMARK – acronym for agricultural marketing†¦. this organization certifies food products for their quality. Its objective is to promote the Grading and Standardization of agricultural and allied commodities. 9 | P a g e Chemistry Project on STUDY OF ADULTERANTS IN FOOD To detect the presence of adulterants in fat, oil and butter. REQUIREMENTS iCBSE. com Test-tube, acetic anhydride, conc. H SO , a c e t i c a c i d , c onc . HNO . PROCEDURE 4 Common adulterants present in ghee and oil are paraffin wax, hy dr oc ar bo ns , dyes and ar gemo ne oi l . The s e ar e de t ec t e d as f ol l ows : 3 (i) Adulteration of paraffin wax and hydrocarbon in vegetable ghee Heat small amount of vegetable ghee with acetic anhydride. Droplets of oil floating on the surface of unused acetic anhydride indicates the pr es enc e of wax or hy dr oc ar bons . (ii) Adulteration of dyes in fat Heat 1mL of fat with a mixture of 1mL of conc. sulphuric acid and 4mL of acet i c ac i d.Appear ance of pi nk or r ed col our i ndi cat es pr es enc e of dye i n f at . (iii) Adulteration of argemone oil in edible oils To small amount of oil in a test-tube, add few drops of conc. HNO and shake. Appearance of red colour in the acid layer indicates pr es enc e of ar gemo ne oi l . 3 10 | P a g e Chemistry Project on STUDY OF ADULTERANTS IN FOOD To detec t the presence o f adul terants i n suga r REQUIREMENTS Test-tubes, dil. HCl. iCBSE. com PROCEDURE Sugar is usually contaminated with washing soda and other insoluble substances which are detected as follows : (i) Adulteration of various insoluble substances in sugarTake small amount of sugar i n a test-tube and shake it with l ittle wat e r . Pur e s ugar di s s ol ves i n wa t er but i ns ol ubl e i mpur i t i es do not di s s ol ve. (ii) Adulteration of chalk powder, washing soda in sugar To s mall amount of sugar i n a test- tube, add few drops of dil. HCl. Brisk effervescence of CO shows the presence of chal k powder or was hi ng s oda i n t he g i ve n s ampl e of s ugar . 2 11 | P a g e Chemistry Project on STUDY OF ADULTERANTS IN FOOD To detec t the presence o f adul terants i n sampl es of chi l l i powder, turmeric powder and pepperREQUIREMENTS Test-tubes, conc. HCl , di l. HNO iCBSE. com , KI s ol ut i on PROCEDURE 3 Common adulterants present in chilli powder, turmeric powder and pepper a r e r e d c ol our ed l ea d s al t s , ye l l o w l ead s al t s a nd dr i e d papa ya s eeds respecti vel y. They are detected as follows : (i) Adulteration of red lead salts in chilli powder To a sample of chi ll i powder, add dil. HNO . Filter the solution and add 2 drops of potassium iodide solution to the filtrate. Yellow ppt. i ndi cates the presence of l ead sal ts i n chi l l i powder. 3 ii) Adulteration of yellow lead salts to turmeric powder To a sample of turmeric po wder add conc. HCl. Appearance of magenta col our shows t he presence of yel l ow oxi des of l ead i n t ur mer i c powder . (iii) Adulteration of brick powder in red chilli powder Add small amount of given red chilli powder in beaker containing wat e r . Br i c k powder s et t l es at t he bot t o m whi l e pur e c hi l l i powder floats over water. (iv) Adulteration of dried papaya seeds in pepper Add small amount of sample of pepper to a beaker containing water and stir with a glass rod.Dried papaya seeds being lighter float over wat e r whi l e pur e pepper s e t t l es at t he bo t t om. 12 | P a g e Chemistry Project on STUDY OF ADULTERANTS IN FOOD EXPT. NO. EXPERI MENT PROCEDURE OBSERVATION 1. Adulterati on of paraff i n wax and hydr ocarbon i n veget abl e ghee 2. Adulterati on of dyes i n f at 3. Adulterati on of argemone oil in edible oi l s 4. Adulterati on of var i ous i ns ol ubl e substances in sugar Heat small amount of veget abl e ghee wi t h ac et i c anhydride. Dro plets of oil f l oat i ng on t he s ur f ac e of unused acet i c anhydri de i ndi cat e t he pr es ence of wax CBSE. com H 2 or hydr ocar bon. Heat 1mL of fat with a mixture of 1mL of conc. SO 4 and 4mL of acetic acid. To smal l amount of oi l i n a test tube, add few drops of conc. HNO 3 & shake. Take smal l amount of sugar i n a t es t t ube a nd s hake i t with little water. di s s ol ve. 5. Adulterati on of chal k powder , washi ng soda i n s ugar 6. Adeulterati on of yel l ow l ea d s al t s t o turmeric powder 7. Adulterati on of red l ead s a l t s i n c hi l l i powder 8. Adulterati on of brick powder i n chi l l i powder 9. Adulterati on of dried papaya seeds i n pepper To smal l amount of sugar i n a est tube, add a few drops of di l . HCl . To sampl e of t urmeri c powder , add conc. HCl . To a sampl e of chi l l i powder, add dil. HNO . Filter the solution and add 2 drops of KI solution to the filtrate. 3 Add smal l amount of gi ven red chilli powder in a beaker containi ng water. Add smal l amount of sample of pepper t o beaker containing water and stir with a glass rod. Appearance of oil f l oat i ng on t he surface. Appearance of pink colour. No red colour obs er ved Pure sugar di s s ol ves i n wa t er but i ns ol ubl e i mpuri ti es do not No brisk effervescence obs er ved. Appearance of agenta colour No yellow ppt. Br i ck powder set t l es at the bottom while pure chi l l i powder f l oat s over wat er . Dried papaya seeds bei ng l i ghter fl oat over wat er whi l e pure pepper settl es at the bottom. 13 | P a g e Chemistry Project on STUDY OF ADULTERANTS IN FOOD Selection of wholesome and non-adulterated food is essential for daily l i f e to make sure t hat s uch f oods do not cause any heal t h hazar d. I t i s not pos s i bl e t o e ns ur e whol es ome f ood onl y o n v i s ual ex ami na t i o n whe n t he t ox i c contaminants are present in ppm level.However, visual examination of the food before purchase makes sure to ensure absence of insects, visual fungus, foreign matters, etc. Therefore, due care taken by the consumer at the time of pur c has e of f ood af t er t hor oughl y e x ami ni ng c a n be of gr ea t he l p. S ec ondl y, l abel decl arati on on packed f ood i s ver y i mportant f or knowi ng t he i ngredi ents and nutritional value. It also helps in checking the freshness of the food and t he per i od of bes t bef or e us e.The cons umer s houl d avoi d t aki ng f ood f r om an unhy gi e ni c pl ac e and f ood bei ng pr epa r ed under unhyg i eni c c ondi t i ons . S uc h t ypes of f ood may caus e var i ous di s eas es . Cons umpt i on of cut f r ui t s bei ng s ol d i n unhygi eni c condi ti ons shoul d be avoi ded. I t i s al ways bet ter to buy cert i f i ed food from reputed shop. iCBSE. com 14 | P a g e Chemistry Project on STUDY OF ADULTERANTS IN FOOD iCBSE. com ENCARTA ENCYCLOPEDIA 2009 www. wikipedia. com www. answers. com www. google. com 15 | P a g e

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Pearl Harbor Battle Analysis Essay Essays

Pearl Harbor Battle Analysis Essay Essays Pearl Harbor Battle Analysis Essay Essay Pearl Harbor Battle Analysis Essay Essay Essay Topic: The Pearl On a pleasant and beautiful Sunday. December 7. 1984. Japan implemented a surprise onslaught on the US Naval Base in Pearl Harbor on the island of Oahu. Hawaii which gave United States a door to come in into World War II. Even though Japan did non follow through with the onslaught doing the 3rd moving ridge of bombers to interrupt contact from dropping bombs to complete off the remainder of the fleet moorage in Pearl Harbor. it was a good prepared. and carefully orchestrated onslaught on the Americans because the Nipponese followed about all the nine Principles of War. However there was one rule that the Japanese did non executed doing them to give up subsequently on in World War II. There are nine Principles of War. that is ; integrity of bid. mass. nonsubjective. violative. surprise. economic system of force. manoeuvre. and security. The onslaught include mass–concentrating the combat power at the decisive topographic point and clip. The aim was clear and directed every military operation towards a clearly defined. decisive come-at-able aim. The onslaught was clearly violative where it prehend. retained. and exploited the enterprises. Surprise was the decidedly the most of import rule used striking Pearl Harbor on a given clip when it was unprepared. Economy of force was allocated to the moving ridge of onslaughts where indispensable combat power was given as a secondary attempt. The manoeuvres were clearly executed where Japan placed United States in a place of disadvantage through the flexibleness application of combat power. There was integrity of bid in which the Japanese ensured each aim had a responsible commanding officer. Integrity of bid was seeable within the Nipponese fleet. The commanding officer for the December 7th 1941 onslaught on Pearl Harbor was Admiral Isoroku Yamamoto ( People–Japan. ) . Yamamoto was responsible for the combined Nipponese fleet where he devised the scheme for the onslaught. and because of his careful. organized. and educated planing. Pearl Harbor was about to the full destroyed. Under Yamamoto is Vice Admiral Chuichi Nagumoto who was in bid of the First Air Fleet. Nagamuto relied to a great extent on the experience of his subsidiaries Comander Minoru Genda. and Rear Admiral Ryunosuke Kusaka. â€Å"No one can truly understand what happened at Pearl Harbor without at least a cernuous acquantance with these work forces. for the plan’s origin. readying. executing. and stupefying success were shaped by the personalities and experience of these men† ( Goldstein. 1991 ) . By component of mass with in the nine Principles of War. the Nipponese onslaught forces was good equipped for the onslaught on Pearl Harbor on December 7th. 1941. Japan understands that their state can non get the better of United Staes in a â€Å"conventional war. lacking as it did sufficient adult male power and natural stuffs ( notably oil ) for such a sustained attempt nevertheless Japan was able to set together combined fleet big plenty to travel toe to toe with the United States Navy in Hawaii† ( Long. 2007 ) . Nipponese air onslaught forces consisted of six bearers named Akagi. Kaga. Soryu. Hiryu. Shokaku. and Zuikaku. Support forces consisted of two battlewagon and two heavy patrol cars known as Tone and Chikuma. Screening forces consisted of one visible radiation patrol car and nine destroyers named Akuma. Patrol forces had three pigboats. In add-on. the supply forces ha eight oilers. Together these combined fleet was named the Kido Butai. or undertaking force which w as the largest figure of aircraft bearers of all time to run together ( Carlisle. 114 ) . Admiral Yamamoto and the Kido Fleet’s aim was to destruct the naval ships in Pearl Harbor and strike hard out the U. S. Pacific Fleet. In retrospect. this onslaught is besides an violative onslaught as a important Nipponese contending force so that the Americans could non oppose on Japan’s conquering of South East Asia and the Pacific Islands. Another ground for the onslaught is because President Roosevelt had banned all exports of bit Fe. steel and oil to Japan. The ground for the trade stoppage was the Nipponese invasion of China. Japan had lost more than 90 % of its oil supply ( Carlisle. 2006 ) . The economic isolation crippled their economic system and military. In add-on. Japan were keen on spread outing their imperium and had to do a determination between give uping or traveling to war with the United States. Last. United States had non yet entered the Second World War. because they were still staggering from depression due to the First World War. United States did. nevertheless. still possess the strongest naval fleets. In that position. the Japanese were about every bit strong as the American navy. As clip passed. America favored more and more towards fall ining the war. The Japanese anticipated a matured naval war with America and hence. decided to move first by bombing Pearl Harbor which was a cardinal terrain characteristic in the Pacific due to it’s monolithic and deep seaport for naval ships. The component of economic system of force was besides present during the onslaught on Pearl Harbor. This allowed Japans zero bomber to apportion minimal indispensable combat power towards the onslaught. With the economic system of force. the component of manoeuvre besides played abig function towards the foray. There were two aerial onslaught moving ridges. numbering 353 aircraft that was launched from the six Nipponese aircraft bearers. In actuality. Admiral Yamamoto’s plans consisted of three moving ridges of onslaught. The first moving ridge of attacked was launched at 0740 with 163 aircrafts that was coming from the North Shore. Their aim was to destruct landing fields at Wheeler. Ewa. Hickam. and Pearl Harbor. The 2nd moving ridge was launched an hr subsequently to the Windward side of the island with 167 aircraft bombers. Their mission was besides to destruct landing fields in Kaneohe and Bellows. Hickam. and Pearl Harbor. Admiral Yamamoto called off the 3rd moving ridge because he believed the 2nd work stoppage had basically satisfied the chief aim of his mission which was to stultify United States Pacific Fleet. In add-on Admiral Yamamoto did non wish to put on the line farther losingss. With Admiral Yamamoto’s careful planning of the Pearl Harbor onslaught. Japan was successful on finishing their aim in the Pacific by destructing the Naval fleet. However. they failed to follow through with the component of security. Security states that Japan should hold neer permitted United States from geting an unexpected advantage. With Admiral Yamamoto naming off the 3rd moving ridge. this allowed United States to acquire back up on its pess. Japan may hold won the conflict on Pearl Harbor. nevertheless that determination â€Å"woke up the kiping giant† doing Japan to give up the war to the Americans. The biggest impact on the Nipponese onslaught was the component of surprise which was Japans cardinal maneuver on Pearl Harbor and other military bases on Oahu that struck Americans as a â€Å"dastardly attack† - â€Å"stab in the dorsum. † On December 7th. 1941. everyone went about their day-to-day modus operandi. Naval and military bids in Hawaii did non surmise that this twenty-four hours would be the twenty-four hours they would acquire a immense surprise by acquiring attacked. Washington and Honolulu were cognizant of the Nipponese menaces to assail countries in Southeast Asia but they didn’t think a surprise onslaught at Pearl Harbor was in the programs. The bids in Washington and Honolulu had no thought because based on their intelligence they received largely from U. S wireless intelligence and diplomatic codification breakage. the intelligence received told them that the Japanese were traveling south and they weren’t traveling to be in â€Å"dan ger† . Washington received intelligence from the office of naval intelligence a few hours before the onslaught indicating that the all of Japan’s fleet bearers were in their place Waterss. This was one manner how the Nipponese wholly fooled and the U. S. intelligence and surprised them with a detrimental onslaught on Pearl Harbor and other military installings. Sunday forenoons are usually a clip of leisure for military forces. and during this clip. particularly in the forenoon. some are still asleep. or at church with their households. With the Nipponese knowing this. this was the best clip to establish their surprise onslaught because they knew people would non be able to react to the onslaughts quick plenty to contend back and it would be the perfect chance to destruct all of their fleets and aircrafts Japan’s careful and good orchestrated onslaught on Pearl Harbor on December 7th. 1941. destroyed about all the American Naval fleet in the Pacific. This allowed Japan to go on its imperialism towards Southeast Asian without United States intervention. Even when Japan failed to follow through with the component of security towards United States. they still followed about all the nine Principles of War in order for them to hold a successful foray. The 3rd moving ridge of onslaught could hold the destroyed the fuel storage. care. and dry dock installations that would hold crippled the U. S. Pacific Fleet far more earnestly than the loss of its battlewagons. If they had been wiped out. United States could non hold been able to resile back. fall in the war. and finally forced Japan to give up. Work Cited Carlisle. Rodney P. December 7. 1941: One Day in History: The Days That Changed the World. New York: Collins. 2006. Print. Long. Tony. July 27. 2007. â€Å"Dec. 7. 1941: Attack at Pearl Harbor a Bold. Desperate Gamble. † Wired. com. Conde Nast Digital. n. d. Web. 23 Jan. 2013. hypertext transfer protocol: //www. wired. com/science/discoveries/news/2007/12/dayintech_1207 Goldstein. Donald M. The Way It Was Pearl Harbor. The Original Photographs. Washington: Brassey’s. 1991. Print. â€Å"Global Research. † Pearl Harbor: A Successful War Lie. N. p. . n. d. Web. 23 Jan. 2013. hypertext transfer protocol: //www. globalresearch. ca/pearl-harbor-a-successful-war-lie/22305 â€Å"How Did Japan View the Pearl Harbor Attacks? † ThinkQuest. Oracle Foundation. n. d. Web. 23 Jan. 2013. hypertext transfer protocol: //library. thinkquest. org/CR0214300/nzjapaneseview1. hypertext markup language Hoyt. Edwin Palmer. Pearl Harbor Attack. New York: Sterling Pub. . 2008. Print. Kam. Ephraim. Surprise Attack: The Victim’s Perspective. Cambridge. Ma: Harvard UP. 1988. Print. â€Å"People-Japan–Admiral Isoroku Yamamoto. IJN. ( 1884-1943 ) . † People-Japan–Admiral Isoroku Yamamoto. IJN. ( 1884-1943 ) . N. p. . n. d. Web. 23 Jan. 2013. hypertext transfer protocol: //www. history. navy. mil/photos/prs-for/japan/japrs-xz/i-yamto. htm â€Å"The Attack by the First Nipponese Wave. † The Attack by the First Nipponese Wave. N. p. . n. d. Web. 23 Jan. 2013. hypertext transfer protocol: //www. pacificwar. org. au/pearlharbor/FirstWaveAttack. hypertext markup language Tures A. Tures. LaGrange. â€Å"William ‘Billy’ Mitchell. the Man Who Predicted the Pearl Harbor Day Disaster. † Yokel! News. Yokel! . 06 Dec. 2011. Web. 23 Jan. 2013. Wisniewski. Richard A. Pearl Harbor and the USS Arizona Memorial: A Pictorial History. Honololu. Hawaii ( P. O. Box 8924. Honolulu 96830 ) : Pacific Basin Enterprises. 1986. Print.

Monday, October 21, 2019

New SAT Format What It Means for You

New SAT Format What It Means for You SAT / ACT Prep Online Guides and Tips The SAT has had a complete makeover. Just a quick glance will show you that it barely resembles its previous self. Manystudents, luckily, will find its transformation quite attractive. This guide will help you catch up on the changes with a comprehensive overview of the new SAT format. Read on to learn about the test’s new designand scoring, followed by some tips on what these changes mean for test-takers. To begin, let’s go over the overall structure of the SAT. What’s the Structure of the New SAT? On a broad strokes level, the new SAT looks very different from its predecessor. The old SAT had tensections of various lengths. They were 10, 20, or 25 minutes in length, and, for the most part, the order of subjects was completely random. Among these ten sections was an unidentified experimental section, which, though unscored, could still mess with test-takers’ minds with its strange question types. For most test-takers, the changes to the SAT are probably very welcome. For one thing, the new SAT format 2016 is much more predictable. Now you can know exactly what order the subjects come in, as well as the amount of time and number of questions you’ll get. Furthermore, you won’t have to deal with ten sections, but instead will get just four, or five if you choose to take the now optional essay.That pesky experimental section, by the way, has been eliminated. This chart shows the structure of the new SAT. Since we now know section length and number of questions, we can also estimate approximately how much timeyou get per question. Order Section Time in Minutes # of Questions Time per question 1 Reading 65 52 75 seconds 2 Writing and Language 35 44 48 seconds 3 Math No Calculator 25 20 75 seconds 4 Math Calculator 55 38 77 seconds 5 Essay (optional) 50 1 Total: 3 hours, 50 minutes (3 hours without essay) 154 (+1 essay prompt) As you can see, the new SAT presents each topic in one big chunk of time, rather than dividing them into several shorter sections. The only exception is Math, which is divided for the first time into a â€Å"calculator permitted† and a â€Å"calculator prohibited† section. The Essay section now comes at the end of the SAT, and the decision to take it is left up to the student. When you take the SAT, you’ll get a 5-minute break after about every hour of testing. That means you’ll get a break after the Reading section and a second one after the Math No Calculator. If you’re taking the Essay section, you’ll also get a break before starting. In addition to giving the test in its entiretya more predictable structure, College Board has also become more transparent about what you’ll encounter on each individual section of the SAT. Let’s take a closer look at each section, starting with the one that always comes first: Reading. "Don't like the weather in New England? Just wait five minutes!" Unlike the fickle weather that inspired this cheesy dad joke, the new SAT format is very predictable. Reading Section Structure SAT Reading is the longest section of the new SAT, clocking in at 65 minutes. All Reading questions are passage-based. You’ll answer 10 to 12 questions on each of five passages, for a total of 52 questions. As you saw in the chart above, that leaves you with about 1 minute and 15 seconds per question. All of the questions are multiple choice and feature four answer choices: A, B, C, and D. The source and subject matter of each passage is predetermined, a useful piece of information for your test prep. You’ll get one passage from US or world literature, two dealing with history and social studies, and two related to science. One or more of these passages will be accompanied by a graphic, such as a table or graph. In fact, you'll encounter tables and graphs in all four sections of the SAT. Writing and Language Section Structure The SAT Writing and Language section is about half as long as Reading at 35 minutes. It’s technically called Writing and Language, but you’ll probably hear it shortened to Writing. All of its questions are also passage-based. You’ll get 11 questions for each of four passages, for a total of 44 questions on the Writing section. That leaves you with about 47 to 48 seconds to answer each question. All of the Writing questions are multiple choice with four answer choices, A, B, C, and D. Since some of the questions ask you about changing a word or sentence, many will feature an answer choice (typically choice A) that reads, â€Å"No change.† Going along with the SAT’s greater predictability, the subject matter of the Writing passages is predetermined. The passages deal with Careers, Social Studies, Humanities, and Science. Unlike the Reading section, you won’t encounter any prose or selections from literature; all of the Writing passages will be argument-based, explanatory, or nonfiction narrative. As mentioned above, you'llfind data interpretation questions on graphs and tables throughout the SAT, and the Writing section is no exception. One or more of the passages will accompany a graphic, and you might be asked whether the passage and graphicare in sync with each other. The designers of the new SAT went a little graph crazy; you'll find graphics in every section of the test. Math No Calculator Section Structure A Math section during which you’re not allowed to use a calculator is completely new on the SAT. This 25-minute section asks you 20 questions, and you’re not allowed to use a calculator on any of them. 15 of these questions are multiple choice, and the remaining five are â€Å"grid-ins,† officially known as student-produced responses. Time #of Multiple Choice #of Grid-ins 25 minutes 15 (#1-15) 5 (#16-20) The Math No Calculator section asks questions that fall into three skills areas, Heart of Algebra, Passport to Advanced Math, and Additional Topics. The main focus, as you can see in the chart below, falls on Heart of Algebra and Passport to Advanced Math. Content Categories #of Questions Percent of Test Heart of Algebra 8 40% Passport to Advanced Math 9 45% Additional Topics 3 15% Source: College Board You won’t find any Problem Solving and Data Analysis questions here. These question types are featured much more heavily on the Math with Calculator section. Math With Calculator Section Structure You can use a calculator throughout this 55-minute section, though you don’t necessarily need to. College Board says it wants to test your calculator fluency, or your ability to determine when a calculator’s a useful tool and when it would just slow you down. The Math with Calculator is the longer of the two math sections and asks 38 questions. This leaves you with about 1 minute and 17 seconds per question. The Math with Calculator section asks 30 multiple choice questions and eightgrid-ins. One of the grid-ins will be an Extended Thinking question, which features a word problem or graphic and asks two or more questions about it. Outside of this Extended Thinking question, the math questions won’t relate to one another. Aswith the Math No Calculator section, the grid-ins will come at the end: Time #of Multiple Choice #of Grid-ins 55 minutes 30 (#1-30) 8 (#31-38) The Math with Calculator section tests from the same skill areas as the Math No Calculator - Heart of Algebra, Passport to Advanced Math, and Additional topics - but it alsotests Problem Solving and Data Analysis. In fact, almost half of the Math with Calculator questions fall into this skill area, as you can see in the chart below . Content Categories # of Questions Percent of Test Heart of Algebra 11 29% Passport to Advanced Math 7 18% Problem Solving and Data Analysis 17 45% Additional Topics 3 8% Source: College Board This section may be your last on the SAT, meaning you’ll pass in your materials and leave the testing center. If you elect to take the essay, then you’ll get a 5-minute break and then move onto the Essay section. Essay Section Structure The 50-minute Essay section tasks you with writing an essay based on a 650 to 750-word passage. You’ll be prompted to write a thesis-driven essay in which you analyze the passage’s argument. This assignment is entirely different from the one on the old SAT, where you were asked to present an opinion and support it with examples from pretty much anywhere, like your personal experience or favorite books. On the new SAT Essay section, your prompt will typically give you a succinct summary of the passage’s central argument. Then you’ll be asked to analyze how the author builds his/her argument. Here’s one example of an essay prompt from College Board: Write an essay in which you explain how Paul Bogard builds an argument to persuade his audience that natural darkness should be preserved. In your essay, analyze how Bogard uses one or more of the features in the directions that precede the passage (or features of your own choice) to strengthen the logic and persuasiveness of his argument. Be sure that your analysis focuses on the most relevant features of the passage. Your essay should not explain whether you agree with Bogard’s claims, but rather explain how Bogard builds an argument to persuade his audience.* *Emphasis mine. As you see in this example, you’ll be reminded that your essay should not discuss whether or not you agree with the author’s claims. Instead, you should present an objective breakdown of the techniques the author uses to persuade his/her readers. If you’ve made it this far, you now have an understanding of the SAT’s structure, both on the big picture level and in each individual section. There’s another important feature to learn to understand the new SAT format - how the SAT is scored. Everyone can sing along to the beautiful melody of "rights-only" scoring. How Is the New SAT Scored? The new SAT is scored on a scale from 400 to 1600. You’ll get two section scores, one for Math and one for Evidence-Based Reading and Writing (EBRW), which is essentially your Reading and Writing sections combined. The scale for both Math and EBRW ranges from 200 to 800. If you choose to take the essay, your essay score won’t factor into your total scores. Your essay will be scored by two readers. You’ll get three scores between 2 and 8 for three areas: Reading, Analysis, and Writing. A perfect essay score would be an 8|8|8. In addition to your section and total scores, you’ll also get test scores that show how you performed on each of the four sections individually. Plus, cross-test scores and subscores will break down certain skills, showing how you did on questions that test your Analysis in Science, Command of Evidence, and Words in Context skills, to give a few examples. These subscores can serve as valuable feedback for your test prep, but the most important scores for college are your section scores and how they combine to form a total score out of 1600. One last note about SAT scoring - the process now uses â€Å"rights-only† scoring. In other words, you won’t get any point deductions for wrong answers. You’ll just get one point for every correct answer, and no points for wrong or blank answers. Now that you’re familiar with the format of the new SAT, let’s consider what the main structural updatesmean for students. How can you evolve to meet the challenges of a new SAT world? How to Adapt to the New SAT Format: 4 Tips Simply familiarizing yourself with the new format is one important step in your SAT preparation. If you know the test inside and out, then you’ll know exactly what to expect on test day and eliminate any unwelcome surprises. Let’s look at the new features on theSAT this year and how you can best prepare for them. #1: Learn to Manage Your Time Over Four Long Sections Four sections is a big decrease from ten, which is what students got on the old SAT. In previous years, students had to shift their thinking quickly from one subject to another and back again. Now, students taking the new SAT are tasked with maintaining focus on one subject for a longer period of time. On the Reading section, for example, you’ll be reading and delving into five passages in a row. On Math, you’ll be answering questions for almost an hour, even more if you consider the "no calculator" section together with the "calculator permitted" section. Working quickly and efficiently under narrow time constraints is still an essential skill, but now you also have to endure focus for longer periods of time. You’ll also need to sharpen your time management skills, figuring out how to divide your time so you don’t, for example, spend an hour on one or two Reading passages and run out of time on the remaining ones. Finally, you should work on mental strategies for recovering from a particularly challenging question or passage. You don’t want to let one hurdle trip you up for the rest of the section. Instead, you’ll have to know when to move on because your time will be better spent on otherquestions. #2: Determine Whether You Need the Essay Since the new essay is optional, you have some more research to do before you register for the SAT besides your optimal test date. You should figure out whether or not you need to take the essay section for your prospective colleges. If you are taking the essay, then you’ll have to prepare for this section separately from the other sections. First, you should familiarize yourself with the rubric that graders will use to give you their three scores for reading, analysis, and writing. Then you should focus on honing your ability to analyze an argument and write an organized, well-supported essay under time constraints. This section calls on your writing skills, but it also tests your reading comprehension and analysis. With the elimination of the experimental section, you're no longer a College Board guinea pig. #3: Forget About the Experimental Section The new SAT no longer features an extra unscored section to test out new material. Since this section was never identified, its absence shouldn’t affect your test-taking experience very much. Fortunately, you won’t have to deal with unusual format or question types you haven’t prepared for, nor will you have to add an extra section to your practice tests to account for extra time. Instead, you can feel confident that your official SAT practice tests will resemble the SAT you’ll get on test day. The structure is much more predictable, so you should go into test day knowing exactly what to expect. #4: Use the New Scoring System to Your Advantage There are a few ways that you can make the most of the new SAT scoring system. For one, the rights-only scoring means that you shouldn’t leave any questions blank. Since there are no more point deductions, you should make your best guess on every question. Even if you’re not sure, you have a shot at getting it right (an even greater shot now that the multiple choice questions feature four answer choices instead of five!). Since math now counts as half of your total score (in the past, it counted toward one-third), you may shape your test prep to reflect this altered emphasis. You may divide your time so that you focus just as much on math as you do on the verbal sections, especially if you’re weaker in math. Of course, the way you divide your time also depends on your individual strengths and weaknesses as a student. Finally, you can use all the cross-test and subscores to inform your test prep. You should take the time to calculate these various scores for your official practice tests. Then you can look for patterns in the questions you tend to answer right and the ones you tend to get wrong. For instance, your subscores might reveal that you’re strong on Words in Context questions but need to work on Command of Evidence. You can use these score typesas feedback to adjust your test prep and target your weak spots. Reading this guide is a great initial step in studying for the SAT, as it helps you get familiar with big picture format, like timing and number of questions. Below are some moreresources for learning about thecontent ofeach section, along with some strategies for studying for the new SAT. Now that you know about the format of the new SAT, you can move on to learning about content and question types. How Can You Prep for the New SAT? Now that you understand the structure of the test, you may have some other questions that have come to mind. What exactly is Heart of Algebra, for instance. How do questions test your Command of Evidence? How do the passage-based Writing questions differ from the passage-based Reading questions? We have lots of guides covering the content of the new SAT, as well as articles that offer strategies for time management and approaching each question type. Here are a few essential ones that may be useful as your next step in learning about the SAT. New SAT Math: What's Changing? New SAT Reading Section: Changes and Strategies New SAT Writing: What You Need to Know How to Study for the New SAT in 2016 How Long Should You Study for the SAT? A 6 Step Guide Once you know exactly what to expect on test day, you can delve even deeper into content and strategies and design your best study plan to conquer the SAT. What’s Next? If you’re familiar with the ACT, you might have noticed that the SAT and ACT now look extremely similar. This guide shows just how alike the two tests are with a full comparison of the new SAT and the ACT. In addition toits format changes, another major change to the SAT is its elimination of obscure vocab words. Check out this guide to learn about how important vocabulary is on the new SAT and how to study vocab in the right way to prepare. In its efforts to becomemore transparent about the SAT, College Board partnered with Khan Academy to offer free study resources tostudents. Check out this guide to learn about Khan Academy’s SAT prep program, as well as some of its limitations. Want to improve your SAT score by 160 points? Check out our best-in-class online SAT prep classes. We guarantee your money back if you don't improve your SAT score by 160 points or more. Our classes are entirely online, and they're taught by SAT experts. If you liked this article, you'll love our classes. Along with expert-led classes, you'll get personalized homework with thousands of practice problems organized by individual skills so you learn most effectively. We'll also give you a step-by-step, custom program to follow so you'll never be confused about what to study next. Try it risk-free today:

Sunday, October 20, 2019

mothetr essays

mothetr essays The Ibo are a unique people, but some of the features of their family life are closely related to my own. The main character, Okonkwo has a bad temper, he fears failure, and resents his father. His dad died and was a weak man, Okonkwo disliked him very much. Okonkowo reminds me of my cousin Michael. His relationship with his father is that of Okonkwos and Unoka. Michael resents his father and although he is still alive, they barely talk to each other. His dad is a failure and Michael seems to live in fear of reaching that point and becoming like him. Even though he is very defiant and hard to be around, he isnt lazy. He is ambitious and gets things done quickly. His father is the opposite. Okonkwos father was also that way, and they both learn from their fathers how not to be. They see the kind of life their fathers have had because of the actions they chose. So they decide that isnt the kind of life they want, and do what they can to stay away from it. Okonkwo didnt inherit a barn full of seed yams. He had to start out as a sharecropper for a rich man named Nwakibie. Nwakibie was nice and generous to him, but his first year of planting was the worst in all of Umuofias history. With his determination at being the best, it survived. During that time his father was dying. He encouraged Okonkwo to do better, but he paid no attention. My cousin Michael had always wanted to go to college, but his dad wouldnt pay for it. He himself never went, and barely graduated from high school. So Michael was forced to pay for it himself. He received some scholarships. For the most part he worked graveyard shifts, and managed to pay off his debts alone. When he got accepted in, his dad told him how proud he was , but that didnt mean anything to him. Now hes become kind of bitter, and never shows his emotions. If you look at his face, you can never tell what hes fee ...

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Discussion question Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 6

Discussion question - Essay Example If companies were able to realize that in the long run it is better to be environmentally-conscious, then I am sure that more companies would be socially responsible. It is in the self-interest of companies to be socially responsible because the decisions that they make and actions that are taken will reflect back on the company. For corporations that become well-known for damaging the environment, the consequences may be devastating. Most consumers do not like buying a product from a company that disrespects society and looks to take advantage of people. Once a corporations actions are discovered, it is likely that customers will take their business somewhere else. This is why it is best for firms to come up with ways to protect the environment because it makes commercial sense rather than the government forcing these corporations to pay up. 2- Lincoln Electric considers customers and employees to be more important stakeholders than shareholders. Is it appropriate for management to define some stakeholders as more important than others? Should all stakeholders be considered equal? It is not appropriate for management to differentiate between stakeholders in order of importance. The fact is that each stakeholder has a vested interest in the business and so they should be treated with the same respect. Of course each stakeholder has a different role to play, but a business would not survive without the participation of all of the stakeholders. Customers are the lifeblood of a business because without consumers choosing to part with the money, a business would not make any revenue. Employees also play a vital role because they are the face of the business and are the go-between for management and customers. It is up to employees to sell the brand so that the customer is willing to part with their money. On the other hand, while shareholders may not seem to play an important role in

Friday, October 18, 2019

In the instructins Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

In the instructins - Essay Example The cartoon above by Rick Enright has been used to criticize the words and actions of the employers who say what they do not mean. At the same time, it also shows how these employers try to sympathize with the employees who have no alternative than to keep working for their exploitative employers. Similar scenario relates to the case of Tashi and the company presented in Weiner’s book who did not have an alternative route to the capital of Bhutan. Enright has been creating cartoons that especially criticize on industries, motivation, work effort, enthusiasm, delegation and responsibility, weights and heavy lifting which are mostly published on the website: (Enright 1). Jantoo website uses similar keywords which are often searched by organizational employees and employers to ensure he drives the message to the right audience. In his cartoon above, there are two people with uniforms and helmet, representing workers. However, between the two workers, one is adding more load onto the other person’s already heavy load. At the same time, the one adding the load is giving out a caution that the one being loaded should not to â€Å"over-do it.† The writing, â€Å"SAFETY FIRST† is put here to show how people usually say what they do not actually mean. For example, if the people in the picture were practicing safety first, then there was not supposed to be any instance whereby someone is overloaded to the point that some boxes are falling over. The cartoon has been used to criticize what we often see at our work places, and it is an appropriate illustration to its readers as they can directly relate to it following what they often see at the workplace. If we take the loader to be the leader or supervisor, we can say that the cartoon depicts a situation whereby those who create rules pertaining to safety are usually the first ones to go against such rules. One might wonder

Democracy Promotion by Western Powers since the beginning of the Arab Essay

Democracy Promotion by Western Powers since the beginning of the Arab Spring in Tunisia - Essay Example Until lately, Arabic countries in the last two decades have demonstrated their strong need for political changes and democracy in their countries. Tunisia was the first, followed by Egypt’s riots that have persisted since then, and followed Libya before the Middle East, where the world watched Islamic movements match in union against repressive governments to claim for their rightful democracy (Hamid The western powers have since taken strategic positions, policies and redefined their foreign relations with external nations to promote peace and the sparked democracy in the society. The democratization of the Arab countries has been the United States and European Union’s long-term interest since the break out of the uprising. It was not the first time to have witnessed the western military intervention in the Arab countries during the time of the wars. Historically, the United States is known to have sent its military personnel in different areas, like the 1982-85 intervention in Grenada and many others (Adams and Newell 35). Most people doubt the presence of military intervention to promote democracy. It has often been considered a harsh move for governments to absorb, hence they let go of the powers, but play no significant role to change citizens’ revolution. Military invasion is often the last resort after attempts to bring peace internally fail. The western powers have confronted the recent issues including a war on terror without shying war for the safety and well-being of the global society. The USA has often applied quite a hard force compared to the European Union, but they have all shown a greater purpose to secure their own countries and promote democracy internally and those they relate to externally.

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Strategic Marketing of Harley Davidson Case Study

Strategic Marketing of Harley Davidson - Case Study Example Here it looks at hoe the company was started back in the year 1903. Then it looks at the development of the company throughout the entire twentieth Century. It then looks at all the strategies that have been applied by the company following a fall that the company was on the verge of facing. (Smith, 2003) This was started by the kind of products offered by the Company. This was through the introduction of a number of products that were designed to appeal to the new market. Some of these include; multi coloured motor vehicles, improvement of accessories in heavy weight motorbikes, sale of accessories individually, biker clothes like jeans and t-shirts with the company logo. Most recently, the Company has introduced a bike that has a better engine than all the other models. The Company also focused on improvement of its distribution mechanism through the employment of different dealers. It held up talks that could help dealers to improve their service provisions. It also sold some of its accessories using Alternate retail outlets. Pricing was a big part of their strategy too. The Company did not focus on price reductions but instead advocated for the purchase of motorcycles whose prices matched their quality. This was also backed up by discount offers for customers who bought small motorcycles and then traded them in for new ones. (Smith, 2003) Lastly, the company did a lot of promotions ranging from advertisements in newspapers where their catch phrase was related to the American free spirit. They also used their website to advertise and sell their items and placed inserts in magazines that depicted female bikers. All the above changes were crucial in making the Company a success in the US motor vehicle industry. This was seen when the Company was called the most Nostalgic Company in biking in 2007. Strength of Harley Davidson current position Introduction Stands for -Harley Davidson represents the Sir name of the two founders of the Company back in 1903. These were Arthur Davidson and William Harvey. They started work on motorvehicles at a tender age in the privacy of their own homes. They continue with this work until a small factory was formed. This factory grew and by the time it was 1907, they had already acquired become incorporated. (Smith, 2003) Market-The Harley Davidson Company has its market in the US. This can be deduced form demographics studies and the fact that their brand focuses on the 'American spirit'. However, most of the clients are male. In the year 2006 statistics showed that 88% of H-D buyers were male while the remaining percentage was female. It also showed that in the year 2006, most of the buyers were between the ages of forty three and forty seven. The average income earned by these customers was 82,000 dollars as of last year. Their market consists of buyers who use motorcycles for their pastime activities. This was the reason why it was necessary to use advertisements that were mainly recreational. Positioning map and perception- the Company has earned its place in the US motorvehicle industry due to the fact that it creates a feeling of nostalgia in its buyers. This is mostly due to the fact that the image of its models resembles some classy motorvehicles used back in the 1960s. It has also gained a reputation for having top of the range engines in its bikes. The Company has also established itself in the American

CJUS 310 DB7 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

CJUS 310 DB7 - Essay Example This discussion focuses on the last phase of the juvenile court process referred to as disposition. After the verdict has been passed and the defendant found guilty, the judge orders the department of juvenile justice to prepare a predisposition report. This is aimed at recommending endorsements for the defendant (Krygier, 2009). The report usually entails the background, the family status and criminal history of the defendant. It is normally completed and served to the judge, defense attorney, the defendant and the assistant state attorney. The report also contains the recommended sentence that has been passed to the defendant for the judge to review. The report is not completed for all cases there are others that are an exception (Shoemaker, 2009). The case then proceeds to a dispositional hearing. Here, the judge sentences the defendant according to the crime committed and the circumstances that led to the case. The sentence may be imposed in two ways; either the defendant may be put under probation or may be committed to the department of juvenile justice (Krygier, 2009). Both sentences however do not go beyond the nineteenth birthday of the defendant. In cases where the defendant is put in probation, he/she is expected to complete community service work or letters of apology. This is usually not time conscious since as soon the juvenile serves as it expected of them the sentence may be terminated (Krygier, 2009). On the contrary when the juvenile is committed to the department of juvenile justice, their sentences are time associated (Shoemaker, 2009). In such instances then the court identifies the restriction that is most appropriate. Currently there are four commonly known levels of commitment. These are low risk programmes, moderate risk programmes, high risk programmes and lastly the juvenile prison (Shoemaker,

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Strategic Marketing of Harley Davidson Case Study

Strategic Marketing of Harley Davidson - Case Study Example Here it looks at hoe the company was started back in the year 1903. Then it looks at the development of the company throughout the entire twentieth Century. It then looks at all the strategies that have been applied by the company following a fall that the company was on the verge of facing. (Smith, 2003) This was started by the kind of products offered by the Company. This was through the introduction of a number of products that were designed to appeal to the new market. Some of these include; multi coloured motor vehicles, improvement of accessories in heavy weight motorbikes, sale of accessories individually, biker clothes like jeans and t-shirts with the company logo. Most recently, the Company has introduced a bike that has a better engine than all the other models. The Company also focused on improvement of its distribution mechanism through the employment of different dealers. It held up talks that could help dealers to improve their service provisions. It also sold some of its accessories using Alternate retail outlets. Pricing was a big part of their strategy too. The Company did not focus on price reductions but instead advocated for the purchase of motorcycles whose prices matched their quality. This was also backed up by discount offers for customers who bought small motorcycles and then traded them in for new ones. (Smith, 2003) Lastly, the company did a lot of promotions ranging from advertisements in newspapers where their catch phrase was related to the American free spirit. They also used their website to advertise and sell their items and placed inserts in magazines that depicted female bikers. All the above changes were crucial in making the Company a success in the US motor vehicle industry. This was seen when the Company was called the most Nostalgic Company in biking in 2007. Strength of Harley Davidson current position Introduction Stands for -Harley Davidson represents the Sir name of the two founders of the Company back in 1903. These were Arthur Davidson and William Harvey. They started work on motorvehicles at a tender age in the privacy of their own homes. They continue with this work until a small factory was formed. This factory grew and by the time it was 1907, they had already acquired become incorporated. (Smith, 2003) Market-The Harley Davidson Company has its market in the US. This can be deduced form demographics studies and the fact that their brand focuses on the 'American spirit'. However, most of the clients are male. In the year 2006 statistics showed that 88% of H-D buyers were male while the remaining percentage was female. It also showed that in the year 2006, most of the buyers were between the ages of forty three and forty seven. The average income earned by these customers was 82,000 dollars as of last year. Their market consists of buyers who use motorcycles for their pastime activities. This was the reason why it was necessary to use advertisements that were mainly recreational. Positioning map and perception- the Company has earned its place in the US motorvehicle industry due to the fact that it creates a feeling of nostalgia in its buyers. This is mostly due to the fact that the image of its models resembles some classy motorvehicles used back in the 1960s. It has also gained a reputation for having top of the range engines in its bikes. The Company has also established itself in the American

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Globalisation And Regionalisation Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Globalisation And Regionalisation - Essay Example Consequent to the implementation of the neo-liberal economic agenda upon the global economy, implying the removal of barriers to trade and most forms of protectionism, 90% of the global GDP was owned and controlled by just under 20% of the North's citizens, while 20% of the South's citizens controlled and owned under 1% of the global GDP ('Why the World,' 2005). In addition to that, and as Longsworth (1999) reports, the combined wealth of Microsoft's three top executives exceeds the combined wealth of fifty LDCs. Indeed, globalisation has substantially and dangerously expanded the gap between the haves and the have-nots, as evidenced through the fact that the income gap between the fifth of the world's people living in the richest countries and the fifth in the poorest was 30:1 in 1960, 60:1 in 1990,and jumped to 74:1 in 1997 (Indonesia's despair,'2000). Economic statistics establish globalisation as an instrument for the transference of wealth and resources from the South to the nor th, from the poor to the rich and not, as its proponents have claimed a strategy for the elimination of poverty and underdevelopment. The means by which globalisation transfers wealth and resources from the have-nots to the haves are, within the context of any discussion on regionalization versus globalisation, extremely informative. Globalisation, as earlier stated, has imposed neo-liberal economic agendas upon national economies, dictating the virtual withdrawal of states from their domestic economies and constraining their powers to exercise protectionism, if only to allow their infant industries the space and time to grow and stabilize. As Schwam-Baird (2003) writes, insofar as both developing and single national economies are concerned, the consequences are potentially... The United States, both fuelled and fortified by its multinationals has emerged, not only as the world's only superpower but as an unequaled and unmatched force. More importantly, it is a force which is determined to overwhelm and consume other nations. Single economies, irrespective of their individual strength, cannot resist this power/force alone but can as a collectivity. Indeed, they can should they respond through the formation of their own `empire,' a union of nations which, besides being capable of surviving globalization, possibly thriving under it, can emerge as a counterforce to the American empire. Consequently, from this interpretive perspective, not only is regionalization a strategy for survival under, and resistance to, globalization but it is, potentially, a project for the resistance of the American Empire through the recreation of the bipolar world order. In the final analysis, regionalization is, quite incontrovertibly, a counterforce to globalization, with it bei ng quite valid to argue that, as a phenomenon, it rose in direct response to globalization. This should hardly be surprising considering the fact that globalization functions as a very real threat, not only to the economic survival, political independence and national sovereignty of the nations of the South but, to the countries of the North. Regionalisation, as such, emerges as a strategy for the pooling of national resources and unifying for the maximisation of strength and, hence, capacity to resist and survive.

Different Kinds of Personality Essay Example for Free

Different Kinds of Personality Essay The Duke and Knight play crucial parts in the scenes and themes of both poems. They have very contrasting personalities to one another. The knight is very gullible and naive- in falling in love with a woman he knows is an evil and unreal person- though he can do nothing to prevent this. In a way, his personality would suit that of the Duchess, as she too is very nai ve. The Duke in that instance though is completely the opposite. He is very wealthy, manipulative and arrogant and is only interested in impressing people. This is shown throughout the whole poem, as he is obviously speaking to someone he feels is important about his wife and her murder. He even ends the poem by boasting about a bronze statue, of Neptune taming a sea horse cast by Claus of Innsbruck who was probably someone famous in those days. The two men are in quite similar situations though; having both just lost a love in failed relationships, though the loss of the Dukes love was deliberate. They are also members of the nobility, being a Duke and Knight. However, there is another difference between them and that is that the knight appreciated natural gifts and wasnt ruled by his status. The language and context of both poems contrast with each other too. La Belle Dame Sans Merci is written as a ballad. It is designed to be read aloud and to be easy on the ear. This particular ballad differs from others because it has been made to sound as if it had been written 200-300 years before John Keats was even born. It is also written in quatrain but in the pattern of ABCB and revolves around a question and answer. This poem is very ambivalent so it makes you think about what the poem means and contains endstopped punctuation to make a bigger impression upon the reader. My Last Duchess is a dramatic monologue written in rhyming couplets although the endings dont always end with rhyming. The poem also contains run on lines with no particular punctuation at intervals, unlike in La Belle Dame. The background sources used by Keats and Browning are very unlike. There is a lot of history used in both poems. At the time Robert Browning wrote My last Duchess there was a large influence in Italy in particular over possessions and status. The story of the Borgias family who paid people to kill those they did not like or were not on friendly terms with, also gave him ideas. John Keats, though, was influenced by the thoughts and beliefs of people in 1795-1821. This was the time in which legends such as monsters and witches were at the centre of everyones minds. It was the idea of witches, which probably gave Keats the name of his poem. In those times, the word for witch was Bedlam which sounds like Belle Dame, so that could be significant. So, altogether there are many similarities and contrasts between La Belle Dame Sans Merci and My Last Duchess and both teach valuable lessons about life but also give insights into the lives and beliefs of some people in those times.

Monday, October 14, 2019

Vietnam Country and Culture

Vietnam Country and Culture Vietnam Essay Vietnam has a huge population and it measures to be around 95,414,640. That is way more than californias population only being 37,253,956 as of now. The capital of vietnam is called Hanoi, Hanoi is known for its architecture and a rich culture with Southeast Asian, Chinese and French impact. Vietnams four largest cities are Ho Chi Minh City, Hanoi, Da Nang, and Haiphong. If the population of these cities were to merge, the population would be 6,253,789. Also the money/currency that they use is called Vietnamese dong. One u.s dollar is equivalent to 22642.50 Vietnamese Dong. Some good attractions in Vietnam are Hoan Kiem Lake, Thien Mu Pagoda and Halong Bay. Hoan Kiem Lake is located in Hanoi which is the capital of vietnam. Thien Mu Pagoda is located in Hue and it is a city in central Vietnam.Then, Halong Bay is in northeast Vietnam and it is known for its emerald waters and thousands of limestone islands topped by rainforests. The top accommodation in Vietnam is called Sofitel Legend Metropole Hanoi by popularity. Vietnam has reached great results in literacy reaching to be 90% in just primary education. For adults and youth together, they would make the percentage go up to be 94%. For languages in vietnam, the percentage of people who speak vietnamese is 90 to 85% and the remaining 10% to 15% come from other backgrounds. Children must at least complete their secondary education to move farther. Students are not free to choose what they study. They have to complete all their courses that need to be completed. Agricultural products accounted to be around 30% of exports in vietnam.The agricultural products vary to be rice, cotton, peanuts, rubber, sugarcane and tea. Gross national product in vietnam increased to 3977610.00 VND billion. The per capita income in vietnam is 5,070 PPP dollars. In cambodia the per capita is only 2,890 PPP dollars. Vietnams per capita income is way more than cambodias income. Vietnam people in the urban areas, live like any other country, except only about 30% of the population of vietnam lives in urban area, they usually live in cramped apartments, some cities such as Ho Chi Minh, or Hanoi is mainly a urban area. People lives in villages in rural area, which is about 70% of the vietnamese populations, 60% of Vietnamese Workforce is farmers, where they grows food for their families, and hoping to make some money by moving to the cities and selling them at farmers markets. Vietnams customs follow Buddhism, and Confucianism, focuses on five different subjects, such as Ruler and Subject, Husband and Wife, Parents and Children, Brothers and Sisters, Friend and Friend, it stress duty, loyalty, honor, respect for age and seniority. Buddhism believe in a spiritual path, led by Buddha Shakyamuni in ancient India, as purified the mind, into a peaceful state of mind, removing any negative affects. You can have face, or lose faces in vietnam, you have to compliment people, or business, to receive faces. Some of vietnam most populars dish, is Pho, which people usually eat with bo, which is beef, and I see it like the equivalent of ramen or italian pasta. Other foods such as Banh Cuon, or Rolled Rice Pancake, which is a soft like roll that contained diced up meats, veggies, and includes condiments such as hot nuoc mam (fish sauce), vegetable side condiment plate where it has several vietnamese vegetables such as mints. We have a vietnam war memorial, located in Hanoi which is our capital. Vietnam is one of the least religious country, however some still have beliefs, and some of the major religion is Buddhism, Caodaism and Confucianism. Many of these religions respect, and have standards for family, which is why etiquette is so valuable. Vietnam believe in Confucianism, and Buddhism, which Buddhism is created by Shakyamuni Buddha, who was a monk that came to vietnam in early time, he believed in meditations, and a spiritual path, which many vietnamese monks started meditating and practicing his teachings. Confucianism doesnt always have to be perceived as a religion, they could be a ideology or a philosophy, who he wanted to understand everything, using old teachings back then, to understand the roots of cultural ceremonies. Both religion dont usually believe it ultimate goal, the ultimate entity is god, even though they worship creators of that religions, both religion main purpose is to achieve a more positive, or ethical way of life. Forms of Vietnamese music include hat cheo (traditional folk opera), hat tuong (classical drama), hat cai luong (modern theater), quan ho (folk songs, with dialogues sung between women and women), and more variations of regional folks songs. The first Vietnamese Television was aired around 1966, when the American setup a American channel and a Vietnamese Channel to send out announcements. VTV is the main channels for vietnamese television, and contains many version of popular Vietnamese-versions of US shows  shows, such as, Vietnam Idol, Vietnams Got Talent, or The Voice of Vietnam. Nobody had really known the origin of Vietnam, however in mythology, Huong Vuong was rumored to be the first ruler of Vietnam, during 111 B.C. and China ruled 111 B.C. until the 15th century, which was 1000 years of control of Vietnam, during the age of exploration, independent kingdoms unified which begins the start the independence of Vietnam. The Size and area of Vietnam is 128,455mi2. The continent that Vietnam is located in is Asia. The climate of Vietnam has a temperate region meaning it lies between the polar and tropic regions of the Earth. The changes between winter and summer are moderate. It has a high rate of rainfall, high humidity, and a considerable amount of sun.These are the political features of the country Vietnam. The population of people in Vietnam is 89.71 million and the capital of Vietnam is Hanoi. Hanoi is known for their old architecture that are centuries old in Vietnam. Some large cities in Vietnam are Ho Chi Minh city, Hanoi, Da Nang, and Haiphong. The unit of money currency in Vietnam that is used in daily life is Dong, these are the political features of Vietnam. The President or the head of the state in Vietnam is Tran Dai Quang. Some army forces is the ministry of Vietnam, the peoples army of Vietnam, and the Vietnam border defence force. The crime rate of corruption and bribery in Vietnam is high and the crime rate of property crimes such as vandalism and theft is moderate. The safety issues is pick pocketing, guns are illegal so they are thieves are usually unarmed except for a knife and such, trafficking illegal drugs come with a severe punishment if caught. Some courts of Vietnam are the Judicial system, supreme court, and the Justice system. The current type of government in Vietnam is led by a one party system which is also led by the communist party of Vietnam.

Sunday, October 13, 2019

Expansion Of Nato Essay -- essays research papers

NATO starts the year 2000 with the issue of concern. The European Allies' defense capability, stabilization efforts in the Balkans, and relations with Russia are at the top of a highly charged agenda. In 1999 NATO accomplished many tasks, which were reviewed in the December 15th Washington Summit. They approved an updated Strategic Concept at the Washington Summit; admitted as new members the Czech Republic, Hungary, and Poland; contributed decisively, in particular through the conduct of their air campaign and the subsequent deployment of KFOR (NATO-led international peace force), to the international community's objective of creating the basis for long-term peace and stability in Kosovo. What is NATO? NATO is the North Atlantic Treaty Organization. The North Atlantic Treaty was signed in Washington on April 4th, 1949, creating an alliance of 12 independent nations committed to each other's defense. Four more European nations later acceded to the Treaty between 1952 and 1982. The now 19 members of NATO include Belgium, Canada, *Czech Republic, Denmark, France, Germany, Greece, *Hungary, Iceland, Italy, Luxembourg, Netherlands, Norway, *Poland, Portugal, Spain, Turkey, United Kingdom, and the United States. (*Members since March 12, 1999) These countries commit themselves to maintaining and developing their defense capabilities, individually, and collectively, providing the basis for collective defense planning. The Treaty also provides the framework for consultation betw...

Saturday, October 12, 2019

Free Essays - The Manipulative Lady Macbeth :: Free Macbeth Essays

The Manipulative Lady Macbeth In certain situations, women are the downfall of men. Macbeth is a prime example on how women influence men. We are going to probe into the hidden lives of Lord and Lady Macbeth, and show how without Lady Macbeth, Macbeth would have lived and prospered. Lady Macbeth was a small but very important part of the play Macbeth. She is always on the side of Macbeth telling him what she thinks he should do. When Macbeth was off at war, and told lady Macbeth that the witches greeted him as Thane of Cawdor, and King of Scotland before he received those titles, she was probably scheming no how to fulfill those before he returned home. Once home, they had King Duncan stay at Dunsinane. Lady Macbeth then b-tches at her husband and ridicules his masculinity in order to make him commit murder (Friedlander). Macbeth reluctantly murders Duncan, even though he wanted to wait and have it all play out without killing anyone. When he went to the well to wash off his hands he speaks of his remorse, and lady Macbeth finds out that he did not implicate the guards, so she tells him to go do it. But he wont, so she insults him more, and goes to do it herself. Lady Macbeth was the inital force to make this entire play roll along. Macbeth was comfortable where he was, he was curious about the fact the witches stated, but he didn't want to force it to work. After Lady Macbeth's help in the killing of Duncan, the only influance she has upon him is to keep everything to themselves. At the party after Banquo's murder, Lady Macbeth tries to calm Macbeth, and tell him that what he sees is only an illusion, and not to worry about Banquo, and to shut up because his fit may show everyone that they are the murders of Duncan and Banquo.

Friday, October 11, 2019

Federal government of the United States Essay

 © 2010 Carnegie Endowment for International Peace. All rights reserved. The Carnegie Endowment does not take institutional positions on public policy issues; the views represented here are the author’s own and do not necessarily reflect the views of the Endowment, its staff, or its trustees. No part of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means without permission in writing from the Carnegie Endowment. Please direct inquiries to: About the Author Nathaniel Ahrens is a visiting scholar in the Carnegie Energy and Climate Program, where his research focuses on climate, energy, and sustainable development issues in China. He is the president of Golden Road Ventures Ltd., a business development and strategic advisory firm that provides expertise and support for critical projects in China, including sustainable development, government procurement, agriculture, and media. Previously, Ahrens was senior product manager and director of international sales for Intrinsic Technology, a Shanghai-based telecommunications software provider. He also founded Shanghai Pack Ltd., a luxury-brand packaging company based in Shanghai and Paris. Ahrens is a member of the National Committee on U.S.–China Relations, the Asia Society, and serves as an honorary ambassador for the State of Maine. Indigenous innovation1 has become the greatest immediate source of economic friction between the United States and China. This trend is not unique to these two countries; policy makers globally are actively trying to stimulate domestic innovation. The burgeoning markets for biotech and environmentrelated products and services and, potentially even more important, countries’ efforts to emerge from the global economic slowdown all reinforce this trend. Mindful of this global scene, China has made indigenous innovation one of the core elements of its attempt to make a structural shift up the industrial value chain. Recently, however, indigenous innovation has been tarred with a protectionist brush. In both China and the United States, there have been increasing calls for buy-local stipulations and the erection of tariffs and non-tariff barriers to trade. In China, these measures primarily take the shape of government â€Å"local content† mandates and through the preferential treatment given to products officially classified as â€Å"national indigenous innovation products† (NIIP) in the government procurement process. In the United States, they have taken the form of buy-local provisions and efforts to shut out foreign companies. The conflict has been escalating dangerously. In the run-up to the recent Strategic and Economic Dialogue, the U.S. business community ranked indigenous innovation in China as its number one policy concern, above even the currency issue. As of this writing, the key points of contention remain unresolved. Yet despite the loud cries of protest against it, the global trend toward â€Å"homegrown† innovation is a healthy, positive development. Without innovation, countries cannot continually raise wages and living standards.2 Government procurement should play an important role in stimulating innovation, but maintaining open markets and international linkages is critical. But instead of following its current approach of short-term product substitution and picking winners by protecting them from competition, China should focus on proven, market-friendly ways of stimulating innovation. Government procurement’s primary roles should be market signaling, de-risking R&D, bridging the finance gap, and stimulating demand. The United States would also benefit by refocusing its government procurement policies along the lines indicated in the key findings of this paper, especially concentrating on facilitating more open markets and elevating the importance of sustainable procurement. The following set of specific recommendations for China will stimulate innovation through open markets and the effective use of government procurement

Thursday, October 10, 2019

Asian Cuisine: Thailand Foods Essay

Thailand is a small country in Southeast Asia, sharing a peninsula with Burma, Cambodia, Laos and Vietnam. Like all local and national cuisines, the food of Thailand reveals a great deal about the country—it is a palimpsest of its political history, its trade, and its geography. Thailand sits between the cultural and political powers of India and China, and its food is clearly influenced by both. Yet Thailand’s food, like her people, has maintained its own distinct. Thailand is not a very big nor a very rich country, but it is unique. It has a way of life that mixes ancient ritual with the ways of the modern world. Thailand is most fortunate, with both the land and surrounding seas yielding rich harvests. The staple, rice, is grown in abundance, as do the numerous varieties of vegetables, fruits, herbs, and spices that enliven the Thai palate. Despite all the problems of the modern world Thailand still has much of old Siam. Thai cooking places emphasis on lightly prepared dishes with strong aromatic components. The spiciness of Thai cuisine is well known. As with other Asian cuisines, balance, detail and variety are of great significance to Thai chefs. Thai food is known for its balance of three to four fundamental taste senses in each dish or the overall meal: sour, sweet, salty, and bitter. As an acknowledged expert of Thai cuisine, David Thompson, explains in an interview: â€Å"Thai food ain’t about simplicity. It’s about the juggling of disparate elements to create a harmonious finish. Like a complex musical chord it’s got to have a smooth surface but it doesn’t matter what’s happening underneath. Simplicity isn’t the dictum here, at all. Some westerners think it’s a jumble of flavours, but to a Thai that’s important, it’s the complexity they delight in. Thai food is also known for its enthusiastic use of fresh (rather than dried) herbs and spices as well as fish sauce. Each Thai dish has more than 3-4 flavors. The ingredients of each dish helps to not only harmonize all different flavors but also to make it mouth wateringly delicious. Traditionally, Thai cooks & families usually needed quite a long time to prepare the ingredients and to cook, therefore, cooperation and team work is needed to cook a family meal. The process of Thai cuisine explains Thai life: its traditions, customs and culture. It shows Thai families were large, in which its family members live together with a warm, close relationship. In cooking, Thai family members have their fair share of helping as a team. With their Buddhist background, Thais shunned the use of large animals in big chunks. Big cuts of meat were shredded and laced with herbs and spices. Traditional Thai cooking methods were stewing and baking, or grilling. Chinese influences saw the introduction of frying, stir frying and deep-frying. Culinary influences from the 17th century onwards included Portuguese, Dutch, French and Japanese. Chillies were introduced to Thai cooking during the late 1600s by Portuguese missionaries who had acquired a taste for them while serving in South America. Thais were very adapt at ‘Siamese-icing’ foreign cooking methods, and substituting ingredients. The ghee used in Indian cooking was replaced by coconut oil, and coconut milk substituted for other daily products. Overpowering pure spices were toned down and enhanced by fresh herbs such as lemon grass and galanga. Eventually, fewer and less spices were used in Thai curries, while the use of fresh herbs increased. It is generally acknowledged that Thai curries burn intensely, but briefly, whereas other curries, with strong spices, burn for longer periods. Instead of serving dishes in courses, a Thai meal is served all at once, permitting dinners to enjoy complementary combinations of different tastes. A proper Thai meal should consist of a soup, a curry dish with condiments, a dip with accompanying fish and vegetables. A spiced salad may replace the curry dish. The soup can also be spicy, but the curry should be replaced by non spiced items. There must be a harmony of tastes and textures within individual dishes and the entire meal. Although considered as a single cuisine, Thai food would be more accurately described as four regional cuisines corresponding to the four main regions of the country: Northern, Northeastern (or Isan), Central, and Southern. Each cuisine sharing similar foods or derived from those of neighboring countries. ⠝â€" Central Thailand Central Thailand has a moderate flavor with herbs and sugar. Most curry with coconut milk dishes origin from central Thailand. For example, Kaeng Kaew Wan (Green Curry), Tom Yam (Spicy & sour soup), Tom Kha (Coconut milk soup), Panang Curry (Dry red curry). ⠝â€" Northern Thailand The dishes of Northern Thailand have light flavors, with a little spices, not very hot with chillies, not salty and most without sugar. The popular dishes are Sai-ua (Thai northern sausages), Nam-Prig Ong (Minced pork and tomato chillies paste), Kaeng Kare (vegetarian curry), and Cap Moo (Som Tam (papaya salad) is a north-eastern dish). ⠝â€" North Eastern (or Isan) The cuisine of Northeastern (or Isan) Thailand is heavily influenced by Laos. For example, Lap and Tom Sabb. Traditionally very spicy and strong tasting dishes, which show that north-eastern Thais like strong flavors with chillies, salt, herbs, and spices. ⠝â€" Southern Thailand The south has a very strong flavor of food with spicy herbs, like turmeric, and tend to contain coconut milk. For example, Kaeng Leang, Kaeng Tai-pla, and Kua Kling. In fact, Thai food always has various kinds of vegetables as a main ingredient. These can be found in many curry dishes with or without coconut milk, stir fried, salad, and eaten with chillies paste. As the Thai food’s ingredients have small quantities of fat and meat, Thai people are fortunate in their fat intake being far less than most westerners. Many popular dishes eaten in Thailand were originally Chinese dishes which were introduced to Thailand by Chinese emigration. Such dishes include Jok (Rice soup), Kway teow (noodle dishes), Khao Kha Moo or Moo Pa-loh (Pork stew, with or without rice) and Khao Mun Gai (Boiled chicken on lightly oily steamed rice). However, Thai people adapted and modified these dishes for local Thai flavor and taste. Not only the unique taste in each dish, there are more reasons why Thai food is popular among foreigners. Decoration, Thai food has an attractive decoration inducing appetites. Such as, Thai fruit and vegetable carving is an art which has been introduced to dishes, which makes you feel fascinated with the delicate preparation. Also, Thai food has both values of nutrition and medicine, obtained from ingredients such as vegetables, spices and herbs and without artificial flavoring substances. Moreover, Thai food can be harmoniously taken with other food, for example, Pad Kaprao as spaghetti sauce, and Nam-prig Pao, chili paste, as sandwich filling or bread spread. Thai folk wisdom, art and Thai culture is translated in Thai food. It reveals the characteristics of Thai people: their delicate taste, discipline, rules of conduct, artistic taste and human relationship. Hence, Thai cuisine is not only about food but it is an art to learn. Thai cuisine is not only about food but it is an art to learn. Eating & Ordering Thai Food Thai food is eaten with a fork and spoon. Even single dish meals such as fried rice with pork, or steamed rice topped with roasted duck, are served in bite-sized slices or chunks obviating the need for a knife. The spoon is used to convey food to the mouth. Ideally, eating Thai food is a communal affair involving two or more people, principally because the greater the number of diners the greater the number of dishes ordered. Generally speaking, two diners order three dishes in addition to their own individual plates of steamed rice. Thais do not use knives and forks but forks and spoons, holding the fork in their left hand to help get the food onto the right-hand-held spoon. Each spoonful should be moderately filled to conform with accepted custom. Eating by stuffing the mouth full is considered impolite. There shouldn’t be any sound of scraping the utensils on the plate nor should there be grains of rice on the lips. The Thais do not scoop portions onto their plates as home style serving in the west tends to do. They share from a common dish, taking only enough for a bite or two at a time. This way one avoids seeming too greedy and everyone has an ample share of each dish. What Comprises a Thai Meal : ⠝â€" Titbits These can be hors d’oeuvres, accompaniments, side dishes, and/or snacks. They include spring rolls, satay, puffed rice cakes with herbed topping. They represent the playful and creative nature of the Thais. ⠝â€" Salads A harmony of tastes and herbal flavours are essential. Major tastes are sour, sweet and salty. Spiciness comes in different degrees according to meat textures and occasions. ⠝â€" Dips Dips entail some complexity. They can be the major dish of a meal with accompaniments of vegetables and some meats. When dips are made thinly, they can be used as salad designs. A particular and simple dip is made from chilies, garlic, dried shrimps, lime juice, fish sauce, sugar and shrimp paste. ⠝â€" Soups A good meal for an average person may consist simply of a soup and rice. Traditional Thai soups are unique because they embody more flavours and textures than can be found in other types of food. ⠝â€" Curries Most non-Thai curries consist of powdered or ground dried spices, whereas the major ingredients of Thai curry are fresh herbs. A simple Thai curry paste consists of dried chilies, shallots and shrimp paste. More complex curries include garlic, galangal, coriander roots, lemon grass, kefir lime peel and peppercorns. ⠝â€" Single Dishes Complete meals in themselves , they include rice and noodle dishes such as Khao Phat and Phat Thai. ⠝â€" Desserts No good meal is complete without a Thai dessert. Uniformly sweet, they are particularly welcome after a strongly spiced and herbed meal. The tastes of modern-day Thailand boast an ancient history. As early as the thirteenth-century, the Thai people had established what might be considered the heart of Siamese cuisine as we know it today: various types of meat and seafood combined with local vegetables, herbs and spices such as garlic and pepper, and served with rice. Later, the Chinese brought noodles to Thailand, as well as the introduction of the most important Thai cooking tool: the steel wok. Thai cuisine is also heavily influenced by Indian spices and flavours, which is evident in its famous green, red, and yellow curries. However, it would be nearly impossible to confuse an Indian curry with one from Thailand. Although Thai curry incorporates many Indian spices in its pastes, it still manages to maintain its own unique flavour with the addition of local spices and ingredients, such as Thai holy basil, lemongrass, and galangal (Thai ginger).